The Mathematics learning area allows learners to develop mathematical skills and understandings that they can apply to many areas of life. Learners will develop sound strategies for investigating and problem solving as well as positive attitudes about their capacity to effectively use their mathematics in many life situations.
BSPS follows the Meaningful Maths program based on New Zealand Mathematics Pedagogy.
The Meaningful Maths Number Framework comprises of two equally-important and interrelated elements:
- Number Knowledge – knowledge about the number system including numeral identification, number sequences and place value; and basic number facts using the four operations.
- Number Strategies –knowledge of mental and written strategies used to perform calculations.
This program is based on comprehensive assessment and explicit teaching of strategies for counting and solving number problems.
Through a range of games and other activities students learn to appreciate and have fun exploring the different patterns in our number system. This program has achieved excellent numeracy outcomes.
Collaboration in the planning, assessment and moderation of numeracy outcomes is a key focus of our school base teacher professional development program.
For further information about the Meaningful Maths Number Framework go to: